Privitar Veri Gizliliği Çözümü

Türkiye’de KVKK (Kişisel Verilen Korunması Kanunu), Avrupa’da GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) kapsamında kişisel verilerin bulunması, korunması ve yönetilmesi bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir.

Bu bağlamda verinin şirket içi veya üçüncü parti iş ortaklarıyla paylaşılırken şifrelenmesi, isimsiz hale getirilmesi vs. gibi yöntemlerin kullanılması gerekliliktir

Privitar ( ile veri gizliliğinizi basitçe yönetebilir, güvenle verinizi kullanabilir ve şirket bazında veri riskinizi yönetebilirsiniz.

Veri gizliliğinin sağlanması ve verinin güvenli olarak kullanılması alanında bir çok firma aşağıdaki kısır döngüye maruz kalmaktadır.

Halbuki Privitar ile aşağıdaki gibi bir döngü oluşturulabilir.

Privatar, ham verinin içindeki tanımlanabilir veriyi korumanızı sağlar. Bunun için kullandığı bazı yöntemler aşağıda verilmiştir.

  • Redaction
  • Tokenization
  • Substitution
  • Generalization

Ham Veri:

First name Second name Employee id Postcode Date of birth Salary Job Title Department
Darcey Weadick 38-6140568 FL30 0XN 5/23/1950 54747.59 Food Chemist Product Management
Pat Theis 64-0647510 VZ49 1GL 08/06/1994 59211.95 Staff Accountant IV Marketing
Vanya Desborough 46-8534585 AS70 8FF 7/30/1982 65423.76 Software Test Engineer II Product Management
Mischa Rannells 82-9883601 KG37 5JG 7/26/1981 46160.74 Marketing Assistant Research and Development
Ronna Connue 97-6417436 PS12 2HJ 04/10/1951 95252.58 Account Coordinator Human Resources
Rance Rosle 47-1189020 XC17 8MV 6/23/1945 18402.09 Senior Cost Accountant Services
Thain O’ Hanvey 31-7362794 HQ29 5XQ 10/06/1961 52848.78 Accountant IV Human Resources
Theresina Domino 49-2858017 UU51 4AS 10/02/1945 43481.86 Editor Product Management
Carita Blunkett 89-6834968 QU41 7RI 02/04/1997 34600.27 Business Systems Development Analyst Accounting
Ysabel Brittan 44-3768762 EA99 9FM 4/13/1956 38473.16 Tax Accountant Legal
Alana D’Oyley 74-2843882 FH43 6NM 3/19/1974 65598.65 Account Executive Services

Redaction uygulaması sonrası oluşan veri:

First name Second name Employee id Postcode Date of birth Salary Job Title Department
Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 38-6140568 FL30 0XN 5/23/1950 54747.59 Food Chemist Product Management
Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 64-0647510 VZ49 1GL 08/06/1994 59211.95 Staff Accountant IV Marketing
Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 46-8534585 AS70 8FF 7/30/1982 65423.76 Software Test Engineer II Product Management
Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 82-9883601 KG37 5JG 7/26/1981 46160.74 Marketing Assistant Research and Development
Ronna Connue 97-6417436 PS12 2HJ 04/10/1951 95252.58 Account Coordinator Human Resources
Rance Rosle 47-1189020 XC17 8MV 6/23/1945 18402.09 Senior Cost Accountant Services
Thain O’ Hanvey 31-7362794 HQ29 5XQ 10/06/1961 52848.78 Accountant IV Human Resources
Theresina Domino 49-2858017 UU51 4AS 10/02/1945 43481.86 Editor Product Management
Carita Blunkett 89-6834968 QU41 7RI 02/04/1997 34600.27 Business Systems Development Analyst Accounting
Ysabel Brittan 44-3768762 EA99 9FM 4/13/1956 38473.16 Tax Accountant Legal
Alana D’Oyley 74-2843882 FH43 6NM 3/19/1974 65598.65 Account Executive Services

Tokenization sonrası oluşan veri:

First name Second name Employee id Postcode Date of birth Salary Job Title Department
Darcey Weadick 65-7527272 FL30 0XN 5/23/1950 54747.59 Food Chemist Product Management
Pat Theis 93-5368712 VZ49 1GL 08/06/1994 59211.95 Staff Accountant IV Marketing
Vanya Desborough 82-9109620 AS70 8FF 7/30/1982 65423.76 Software Test Engineer II Product Management
Mischa Rannells 14-8717552 KG37 5JG 7/26/1981 46160.74 Marketing Assistant Research and Development
Ronna Connue 58-8443556 PS12 2HJ 04/10/1951 95252.58 Account Coordinator Human Resources
Rance Rosle 20-5263024 XC17 8MV 6/23/1945 18402.09 Senior Cost Accountant Services
Thain O’ Hanvey 26-6770811 HQ29 5XQ 10/06/1961 52848.78 Accountant IV Human Resources
Theresina Domino 46-2540006 UU51 4AS 10/02/1945 43481.86 Editor Product Management
Carita Blunkett 19-9647224 QU41 7RI 02/04/1997 34600.27 Business Systems Development Analyst Accounting
Ysabel Brittan 50-2607504 EA99 9FM 4/13/1956 38473.16 Tax Accountant Legal
Alana D’Oyley 46-2540006 FH43 6NM 3/19/1974 65598.65 Account Executive Services

Substitution sonrası oluşan veri:

First name Second name Employee id Postcode Date of birth Salary Job Title Department
Darcey Weadick 38-6140568 FL30 0XN 5/23/1950 54747.59 Level 6 Product Management
Pat Theis 64-0647510 VZ49 1GL 08/06/1994 59211.95 Level 6 Marketing
Vanya Desborough 46-8534585 AS70 8FF 7/30/1982 65423.76 Level 7 Product Management
Mischa Rannells 82-9883601 KG37 5JG 7/26/1981 46160.74 Level 4 Research and Development
Ronna Connue 97-6417436 PS12 2HJ 04/10/1951 95252.58 Level 10 Human Resources
Rance Rosle 47-1189020 XC17 8MV 6/23/1945 18402.09 Level 1 Services
Thain O’ Hanvey 31-7362794 HQ29 5XQ 10/06/1961 52848.78 Level 6 Human Resources
Theresina Domino 49-2858017 UU51 4AS 10/02/1945 43481.86 Level 4 Product Management
Carita Blunkett 89-6834968 QU41 7RI 02/04/1997 34600.27 Level 3 Accounting
Ysabel Brittan 44-3768762 EA99 9FM 4/13/1956 38473.16 Level 3 Legal
Alana D’Oyley 74-2843882 FH43 6NM 3/19/1974 65598.65 Level 6 Services

Generalization sonrası oluşan veri:

First name Second name Employee id Postcode Date of birth Salary Job Title Department
Darcey Weadick 38-6140568 FL30 1950-1959 55000.00 Food Chemist Product Management
Pat Theis 64-0647510 VZ49 1990-1999 55000.00 Staff Accountant IV Marketing
Vanya Desborough 46-8534585 AS70 1980-1989 65000.00 Software Test Engineer II Product Management
Mischa Rannells 82-9883601 KG37 1980-1989 45000.00 Marketing Assistant Research and Development
Ronna Connue 97-6417436 PS12 1950-1959 95000.00 Account Coordinator Human Resources
Rance Rosle 47-1189020 XC17 1940-1949 18500.00 Senior Cost Accountant Services
Thain O’ Hanvey 31-7362794 HQ29 1960-1969 55000.00 Accountant IV Human Resources
Theresina Domino 49-2858017 UU51 1940-1949 45000.00 Editor Product Management
Carita Blunkett 89-6834968 QU41 1990-1999 35000.00 Business Systems Development Analyst Accounting
Ysabel Brittan 44-3768762 EA99 1950-1959 35000.00 Tax Accountant Legal
Alana D’Oyley 74-2843882 FH43 1970-1979 65000.00 Account Executive Services